📄️ Moonchain Faucet
This guide will help you receive Moonchain Testnet tokens for the Geneva Testnet and Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet tokens from the respective faucets.
📄️ Running a Moonchain Supernode
Operating a Moonchain Supernode with simple-mxc-node
📄️ Enable a Prover
Only the first prover can get the reward, and others will be rejected by the protocol smart contract. This means the fastest prover will be able to prove the block and earn the reward. If you have just the minimum hardware outlined in the prerequisites below and are running a single prover, it's unlikely you will be able to prove any blocks because you will be competing against other high-performance provers.
📄️ Moonchain Name Service
This guide will help you obtain a Moonchain domain name and show you how to name a hexagon using your domain name.
📄️ Hexagon Domain Name
This guide will walk you through the steps to name a Hexagon using your Moonchain Name Service (MNS).
📄️ Blockchain Indexer: Deploying a Subgraph
Part 1: Introduction
📄️ Build a DApp: MangaDrop on Moonchain
This guide will help you build the MangaDrop dapp on Moonchain (Geneva testnet)! The airdrop dapp highlights an important feature of Moonchain: deploying ERC20 tokens and conducting airdrops seamlessly. You can deploy tokens, manage them, and execute airdrops all through our user-friendly interface. Read more about the functionalities and architecture in our detailed documentation here.
📄️ Using Bridges
This guide will help you use the bridge to send tokens between Arbitrum Goerli and Moonchain (Wannsee Testnet). You can read more about how bridging works here.
📄️ Deploying a Contract on Moonchain
Make sure you are using a test/throwaway wallet, to be save. Never reveal the private key of your main wallet!
📄️ Controlling a Physical Device via Moonchain
This demonstration illustrates how to control a physical device using Moonchain, specifically through remotely toggling an LED on or off. It emphasizes the seamless integration of blockchain technology with real-world hardware, showcasing the potential for secure, decentralized control in various applications.
📄️ Issue a ISO Sensor Token with Rewarding System on Moonchain
This comprehensive tutorial demonstrates the process of issuing an ISO Sensor Token on the Moonchain blockchain. You will learn how to deploy a MEP804 (Sensor Token) smart contract and set up a system service for granting rewards based on sensor data transmitted from an X2E board. The tutorial will guide you through each step, from initial setup to final deployment, ensuring you understand the intricacies of blockchain technology and smart contracts. Additionally, you will gain insight into how sensor data can be utilized to trigger reward mechanisms, providing a practical application of the ISO Sensor Token in real-world scenarios. By the end of this tutorial, you will be well-equipped to deploy your own sensor tokens and integrate them with IoT devices for innovative and efficient data management solutions.