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Deploying a Contract on Moonchain


Make sure you are using a test/throwaway wallet, to be save. Never reveal the private key of your main wallet!

This guide will help you deploy a smart contract on Moonchain (Geneva Testnet) using Foundry.



Create a Project with Foundry

To scaffold a new Foundry project, run:

forge init hello_foundry $$ cd hello_foundry

Deploy the Contract

Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY below with your private key that has some Test $MXC Tokens on Moonchain Geneva testnet.

Deploy the contract located at src/Counter.sol:

forge create --rpc-url --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY src/Counter.sol:Counter

If you encounter an error --> ERROR: (Code: -32000, message: contract creation code storage out of gas, data: None), consider deploying using Remix IDE.

View Your Contract

Paste the address from the output into the Moonchain Geneva Block Explorer and verify that the contract was deployed.