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Proving Moonchain Blocks

On the Moonchain zkEVM, the process of proving blocks ensures the ability to withdraw state out of the rollup through bridges. Here's how it works:

Zero-Knowledge Provers

The purpose of proving blocks is to enable bridges to verify that state transitions within the rollup were executed correctly. On Moonchain, any participant can operate as a prover, permissionlessly running a Supernode to examine proposed blocks and generate proofs for them.

Process Overview

  1. Block Examination
    • Provers examine proposed blocks on the MXCzkL1 contract to ensure they adhere to protocol rules and consensus mechanisms.
  2. Proof Generation
    • Validated blocks are then processed to generate cryptographic proofs that attest to their correctness. These proofs are essential for verifying state transitions within the rollup.
  3. Reward Mechanism
    • Only the first prover who seccessfully generates a valid proof for the correct fork choice (state transition) receives the reward in $MXC tokens. This incentivizes efficien tand accurate proof generation.

Zero-Knowledge States

Blocks on Moonchain progress through three distinct states:

  • Proposed: Blocks are initially proposed awaiting validation
  • Proved: Once validated and proven by a prover, blocks transition to the provided state, indicating that they have a valid cryptographic proof.
  • Verified: Verified blocks have undergone further verification processes, ensuring complete validation of state transitions.

Below is a visualization depicting the three stages (Proposed --> Proved --> Verified).

Proving Moonchain Blocks GIF

This approach ensures the integrity and reliability of state transitions within the Moonchain zkEVM ecosystem, supporting secure and efficient blockchain operations.